Thursday, February 14, 2008

V@L3NT!N3$ D@Y

2D@Y MY M0N3Y PR0M!$3D M3 2 N3V3R CH3@T @LW@Y$ B L0Y@L. $K00L OK@Y ! GU3$$ 3V3RYB0DY L00K N!C3. BUT QU3$T!0N 0F TH3 D@Y WHY D0 U $K!P 3V3RY 0TH3R D@Y 2 L00K N!C3 @ND JU$ C0M3 2 $K00L V@L3NT!N3$ D@Y J!GGY. LOL! U K!D$ !Z CR@Z! BUT H3Y D0NT G3T M@D G3T M0N3Y!!! ! W!LL H@V3 @ N!C3 D@Y 2D@Y U $H0ULD 2. . . M0$T !NV!3D~; J0$!3

1 comment:

ChRiS BrOwN WiFe said...

Yeah Valentine day was crack'n everybody was all cool and aint nobody have to fight or argue bout anything. thats how things suppose to be